European Human-centered Ethical Mobile IT Business Summit

Thank you for your interest in Mobifree! This page will soon contain the programme for a business summit that will be organized for lead innovators in Europe in the area of human-centered, ethical mobile information technology.


The Freedom in Human-centred and Ethical Mobile Software (MOBIFREE) project works to give European citizens and organizations more choice in, and access to, human-centred and ethical mobile software.


Pictures on this website were made by:

E Foundation, Murena, image by on Freepik, photo by cottonbro studio, images by Freepik (link 1 and link 2), image by kstudio on Freepik, photo by Julia M Cameron, another image by on Freepik, photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash, and image by senivpetro on Freepik.

Used icons are all by Font Awesome.